Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bye Russell :-(

Just a few days after adding an email subscription option to his kickass blog, Russell Beattie has announced that he's putting his weblog to bed.

Reading this actually made me feel sad. :-(

Russell's blog has been one of my favorites to read for quite some time. Where I work, I'm sometimes predisposed to "tunnel vision" when it comes to Microsoft products. Russell has been one of my best sources over the last year or so for new and cool stuff built on non-Microsoft technology.

He's been a great source for everything mobile, and recently, everything Yahoo too. It's truly a bummer that he won't be writing anymore. I'm surprised too, because his blog must have tens of thousands of subscribers (there are over 3,000 listed in Bloglines alone). But I suppose there's nothing wrong with ending on a high note!

Anyhow, Russell, I hope our paths cross again in the future, and I also hope that your break from blogging allows you take some of the time you've been spending as a "reviewer" and put it towards being a "producer", cranking out kick-ass products - this is something I struggle with constantly, and imagine you might too (not to mention the whole notion of having a life ;-).

Best of luck.

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