Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Little Things That Make Software Lovable

Recently, I wrote a tiny tidbit about assumptions and defaults in the context of mobile development.

Today, I came across a great post over at flow | state on careful setting of the default button. flow | state is one of my favorite blogs to read. I'm completely bought into the idea that what makes a product great is almost always in the details (greatness being defined here only by a user's love for the software).

What's another example of a small feature that draws out user love? FireFox's find feature. I wrote about it back in September.

I'm finding myself more and more interested in UI, usability, and everything having to do with the experience a user has with software in general. Maybe this is a direction I should explore further?

Can you think of little things like Outlook's use of the default button, or FireFox's find functionality, that make you fall in love with your software? Leave them in comments - I'm curious to know.

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